D Tracker


devmethink initiated the D Tracker project to address the challenge faced by teams when it comes to filling out daily timesheets manually while working on multiple projects for different clients.

Manual time tracking often leads to inaccuracies anddelays and significantly burdens team members.. In response to this problem, devmethink embarked on designing and developing the D Tracker system, aiming to create a more efficient and automated solution.

Please note that this case study primarily explores the design process and considerations, as the app is still being developed.

What problems were devmethink aiming to solve? 

Insufficient Features:  While exploring third-party time tracking apps, devmethink discovered a significant drawback: the lack of essential features available for free or at an affordable price per user. These existing software options failed to provide the functionality and customization capabilities that devmethink required to track time accurately and manage  projects effectively.
Tedious and Boring Tasks:  devmethink identified the repetitive nature of logging hours daily as a challenge. They wanted to introduce an element of fun and engagement to the process, making it less monotonous and more enjoyable for team members. Doing so aimed to increase participation and accuracy in time-tracking activities.
Friction in Time Logging: Recognizing that time tracking is a recurring task for every person in the services market, devmethink aimed to minimize the friction associated with this process. They wanted to create a solution that streamlined the time-logging experience, making it quick, intuitive, and seamless for team members to record their hours worked.

Why was it important to us?

With the implementation of the D Tracker time tracking software, product managers can effortlessly generate reports to share with clients or automate the process altogether, leading to increased productivity. Additionally, agency managers benefit from D Tracker as it allows them to track projects that require more effort from the team, enabling them to identify areas of productivity loss and improvement.

This feature is highly advantageous as it empowers managers to reorganize teams effectively, enhance productivity, and plan future tasks more efficiently. Overall, D Tracker provides valuable insights and tools for better project management, resource allocation and strategic planning.

Project Goals

Business Goals
By utilizing the D Tracker time tracking software, agency managers can reorganize teams, enhance productivity and plan future tasks more efficiently. Moreover, the software enables managers to exercise better control over packs of hours allocated to clients. They can easily monitor the utilization of hours and track when a pack is reaching its end. This allows managers to proactively communicate with the client and discuss the possibility of renewing the pack to ensure uninterrupted service. By having this level of visibility and control, agencies can effectively manage their resources, maintain client satisfaction and optimize revenue generation.
User goals
The D Tracker time tracking software significantly reduces the friction associated with remembering and documenting the week's work at the end of each week. By automatically tracking and logging time spent on each task, team members no longer need to rely on memory or spend additional time trying to recall their activities. This streamlined process saves time and ensures accurate and up-to-date client records.

Furthermore, the software's ability to provide insights into the time spent on each task enables agency users to improve productivity. By having a clear overview of time allocations, users can identify areas where excessive time was spent or areas where more time should be allocated. This valuable information empowers users to optimize their workflow, prioritize tasks and allocate resources efficiently.

User Research

How did devmethink go about understanding the users?
The data collection process from users was facilitated by utilizing various sources within devmethink's network, including the internal team, partners and friends from diverse backgrounds. This approach allowed for a comprehensive understanding of the challenges individuals faced across different areas and industries.
A combination of online calls and in-person interviews were employed to gather user insights. Online calls provided a convenient method for collecting opinions and feedback from a wider pool of users, regardless of their geographic location. This allowed for diverse perspectives to be captured and considered during the development process.

Additionally, in-person interviews proved invaluable in observing users firsthand and gaining deeper insights into their difficulties while striving to achieve their productivity goals. By conducting interviews in person, devmethink was able to observe users' interactions with existing systems, identify pain points, and understand the nuances of their workflow more comprehensively.

Overall, the combination of online calls and in-person interviews ensured a well-rounded approach to data collection. This approach facilitated a deeper understanding of users' needs, challenges, and goals, which, in turn, informed the development of the D Tracker software to better meet those requirements.


Brainstorming As a fully remote agency, devmethink implemented a successful brainstorming approach for the project. The devmethink team scheduled online meetings that encouraging participants to activate their "brainstorm mode" within a specific timeframe.

By establishing clear goals and identifying key problems, each session was focused and time-boxed to 15 to 30 minutes. This approach optimized energy, engagement, and productivity, fostering dynamic discussions where diverse viewpoints were captured. Efficient decision-making and idea generation were facilitated, resulting in effective outcomes for the project.
Sketching To facilitate sketching and organizing the brainstorming content, our team utilized FigJam, a collaborative whiteboarding tool in the Figma platform.

During inter-session periods, team members also employed their preferred methods, such as Balsamiq wireframes or traditional sketches. This versatile approach enhanced focus, reduced distractions and encouraged creativity. The combination of FigJam and individual sketching methods catered to diverse preferences, fostering effective problem-solving and innovative outcomes.


How was the information organized and structured?
The devmethink team utilized Notion, a tool they highly appreciate and frequently use, to structure their sprint tasks and create a project roadmap. They organized tasks based on personas, focusing on the Admin persona responsible for project creation and team onboarding.By leveraging Notion's capabilities, they categorized and prioritized tasks, enabling seamless collaboration and progress tracking. This approach facilitated efficient resource allocation, task management, and project roadmap and timelines adherence.

Visual Design

Embracing Creative Freedom
The absence of restrictions and limitations on creativity was a defining factor in developing this internal project. With the freedom to explore new ideas, devmethink encouraged their young members to contribute their fresh perspectives, aiming for a modern and unique look.
Empowering the young members of the team not only fostered a sense of ownership and enthusiasm but also injected youthful energy into the project. This approach allowed for the infusion of contemporary design elements, user-centric features, and engaging interactions that would captivate the target audience.
Striking Visuals and Enhanced Functionality
The D Tracker software incorporates a captivating interface by combining teal green and a dark UI color scheme. This deliberate choice aims to create a visually appealing and engaging user experience. Teal green, known for its clarity, communication, and productivity attributes, is strategically employed to enhance these aspects within the software.

The dark background adds a sleek and modern touch that complements the overall design. The teal green and dark UI color scheme not only contribute to the aesthetics but also serve practical purposes. Users can easily navigate and comprehend information on the screen with the enhanced visibility and readability. Furthermore, the combination reduces eye strain, ensuring a comfortable viewing experience in different lighting conditions.

In summary, the thoughtfully chosen teal green and dark UI color scheme in the D Tracker software adds visual appeal and supports its functionality and usability. Carefully considering these elements enhances user experience and facilitates efficient software usage.

Implementation and Launch

For the development of the D Tracker project, devmethink chose React JS as the framework.React JS offers numerous advantages, including its component-based architecture, efficient rendering, and vast ecosystem of libraries and tools. This choice allows for faster development, easier maintenance, and application scalability.

However, it is important to note that the D Tracker is still under construction by our development team. We are actively working on implementing and refining the features and functionalities of the app. As part of the development process, we conduct rigorous testing and quality assurance to ensure a smooth and robust user experience.

To gather valuable feedback and further refine the app, devmethink plans to launch a closed beta version in the last quarter of this year. This closed beta phase will allow a selected group of users to test the app, provide feedback, and help identify any remaining issues or areas for improvement. The insights gained from the closed beta will be instrumental in making necessary refinements and optimizations before the app is officially released to the wider audience.

By utilizing React JS and engaging in a closed beta testing phase, devmethink is  dedicated to delivering a high-quality and user-friendly D Tracker app that meets the needs of teams working on multiple projects.


The D Tracker project by devmethink aims to revolutionize client time tracking for agency teams working on multiple projects. By addressing the limitations of existing software and focusing on real-world user needs, D Tracker seeks to provide a streamlined and engaging software solution. With its implementation, agency users can expect improved time tracking accuracy, productivity and project management.
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